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Zombie Fall in Peking Opera

Have you ever heard of the Zombie Fall? It’s the most dangerous act in Peking Opera and involves freezing one’s body and falling to the ground like a corpse.

The “Zombie Fall” has centuries of history, and was once used to depict fighting to the death. It has since evolved to represent shocking events such as fainting, suicide, and sudden death.

There’s a saying: One minute of glory on stage, ten years of hard work off stage. Performers have to learn the skill from a very young age, but most stop once they reach forty, due the risks.

There are two types of zombie falls: “soft zombies” and “hard zombies.” "Soft zombies" first curve their backs before falling to the ground and are often used in shocking situations such as fainting and suffocation. “Hard zombies” have the more challenging job of falling 90 degrees to the ground like a straight board. This move is usually performed in events such as suicide and sudden death.


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