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Nüshu: A Language Made for Women

Image Source: CPA Mediat Pte Ltd/Alamy

Did you know there was once a women’s-only language in China?

At a time when education was restricted, women living in the mountains of the Hunan province developed a coded writing system called Nüshu to express their secret thoughts to each other, without men understanding.

As it was not socially acceptable for women to talk openly about feelings of sadness and struggle, Nüshu provided an outlet for them to cope with the hardships of life. The language would often be embroidered onto headscarves, handkerchiefs, and even folded fans. Most importantly, it gave women a voice in a male-dominated world.

After the last native speaker of Nüshu died in 2004, this mysterious language begs us to further uncover its story.


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