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Meet Hua Hua the Panda

Photo: VCG

This panda has gone viral all over Chinese social media. She has millions of followers, and the amount of people who stand outside of her enclosure just to get a glimpse of her is insane!

Not only does she understand Chinese, but she will even smile and wave to tourists. This adorable two-year-old panda is called HeHua (Lotus), and her nickname is Huahua. But because her caretaker grandpa speaks with an accent, whenever he says Guolai, which means Come here in Chinese, it sounds like Guolai, and she thinks that’s her real name.

Compared to her brother who is 1.8m tall, Huahua is a lot shorter and plumper. She’s also known for her stubby legs. This is her description at the enclosure:

“Short, chubby, and fluffy. Moves very slowly. Not good at climbing trees.”

Huahua is a 2-year-old panda who lives in Chengdu, and she is known for her adorable personality.

Whenever it’s time to eat, all the other pandas sprint over quickly, but because of Huahua’s slow reaction time and clumsy walk, when she finally makes her way over, all the food is gone. While all the other pandas will reach out for the food, Huahua prefers to lie on the ground and have the food come to her.

She’s also a very slow eater, and her bamboo shoots often get stolen by her friends. But don’t worry, she’s learnt to develop a very advanced defense mechanism. When together with other pandas, Huahua gets sandwiched in the middle, and she also likes to hide from her fans.


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