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How Complicated Was Getting Married in Ancient China?

Prior to the Qin Dynasty (221 AD), there were six major steps to marriage, according to Etiquette and Ceremonial, a classic Chinese text on social behavior and rituals. Due to the series of formalities, the entire marital process usually took around 3 months to complete.


First, the man’s family would send a matchmaker to propose the marriage to the women's family. The matchmaker would also gift geese as a symbol of fortune, formality, and the groom's fidelity.


Second, once the women’s family accepted, a matchmaker would collect the couple's names, birthdays, and other information to calculate whether they would be a good match.


Third, if the two were determined to be a successful pairing, then they would become engaged, and the man’s family would present the woman’s family with betrothal gifts, such as geese (yes, again).


Fourth, the man’s family would present wedding gifts, which included precious items such as deer skin as well as red and black textiles for good fortune.


Fifth, the two families would meet to decide on an auspicious wedding date. The man's family would bring even more presents, including — you guessed it — geese.


Sixth, on the day of the wedding, the groom would retrieve his bride and take her back to his home. The groom's family was also tasked with preparing ritual utensils, garments, and more for the various ceremonies that the couple needed to perform to conclude the process.

Finally, the couple would be married! Do you feel that this is more or less complicated than modern-day weddings?


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